Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago

Tag: Null

Tender for the Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of a Dry Fire Suppression System for the Judiciary’s Secondary Storage Facilities, Trade Zone Complex, Judiciary of Trinidad and Tobago

Tenders are invited for the supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of a Dry Fire Suppression System for the Judiciary’s Secondary Storage Facilities, Trade Zone Complex, El Socorro Extension, Judiciary of Trinidad and Tobago. Documents Tender for the Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of a Dry Fire Suppression System for the Judiciary’s Secondary Storage Facilities, Trade…

Sale of Vehicles

Offers are invited for the purchase of the under-mentioned nineteen (19) Toyota Prado Station Wagons acquired for the Fifth Summit of the Americas and the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting held in 2009 belonging to the Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago Documents Sale of Vehicles (PDF)

Prequalification of Consultants for Design and Supervision Services for Construction Works in Tobago for the Division of Education, Youth Affairs and Sport (DEYAS), Tobago House of Assembly

The Division of Education, Youth Affairs and Sport, Tobago House of Assembly is implementing its Public Sector Investment Programme and is desirous of prequalifying Consultants for the Design and Supervision Services for Construction Works Documents Prequalification of Consultants for Design and Supervision Services for Construction Works in Tobago for the Division of Education, Youth Affairs…