Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago

Tag: 2020

Media Release: Moody’s confirms Trinidad and Tobago’s credit rating in the midst of the Covid crisis

Today, May 22nd 2020, Moody’s has confirmed Trinidad and Tobago’s rating at Ba1, one of the highest in the Caribbean region. In a series of rating decisions that have seen a number of oil and gas exporting countries downgraded all over the world, Moody’s has simply changed the outlook to negative.

MEDIA RELEASE – Signing of Agreement with the Co-operative Credit Union League of Trinidad and Tobago (CCULTT) and the Central Finance Facility (CFF).

On Friday May 8th, 2020 the Honourable Colm Imbert, Minister of Finance, on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago (GORTT), signed an agreement with the Co-operative Credit Union League of Trinidad and Tobago (CCULTT) and the Central Finance Facility (CFF), for a $100M Government Guaranteed Loan Facility.

Further Extension Notice: Provision of Security Services at the St. Jude’s School for Girls for the Office of the Prime Minister, Gender and Child Affairs for a period of Three (3) Years

Prospective Tenderers are advised that the closing date for the receipt of tenders for the Provision of Security Services at the St. Jude’s School for Girls for the Office of the Prime Minister, Gender and Child Affairs for a period of three (3) years has been further extended.