Remarks by the Minister of Finance on the Delivery of Annuity Certificates to former employees of Caroni
Documents Remarks by the Minister of Finance on the Delivery of Annuity Certificates to former employees of Caroni (PDF)
Documents Remarks by the Minister of Finance on the Delivery of Annuity Certificates to former employees of Caroni (PDF)
Documents Address by the Minister of Finance at a Trinidad and Tobago International Financial Centre (TTIFC) Reception (PDF)
Documents Address by the Minister of Finance at a Thematic Brainstorming Workshop (PDF)
Documents Address by the Minister of Finance at the Media Launch of Scotia Bank 20-20 Mortgage Programme (PDF)
Documents Corporate Governance in the State Enterprise Sector (PDF)
Documents Update on the Trinidad and Tobago Revenue Authority (PDF)
Documents Address by the Chairman..E- Auction Taskforce at the Corporate Governance Seminar (PDF)
Documents Address made by Dr.Henry, Chairman of the TTRA Management Company (PDF)
Documents Address and Oveview by Dr. Euric Bobb, Chairman of CLICO at the Launch of the Caroni/ Clico Pension Plan (PDF)
Documents Statement by Minister of Finance Karen Nunez- Tesheira at the Signing Ceremony for Caroni (1975) Ltd. Pension Plan (PDF)