Please be advised that offices of the Ministry of Finance will be CLOSED to the public on the following days:
Monday 24th and Tuesday 25th February, 2020.

Financial Intelligence Unit of Trinidad and Tobago (FIUTT) 2019 Annual Report
Annual Report on the operations of the Financial Intelligence Unit of Trinidad and Tobago for the period October 01, 2018 to September 30, 2019.

Inland Revenue Division Introduces New Service to File Returns Online
Effective February 1st 2020, the Inland Revenue Division (IRD), will be introducing a new service that allows VAT and PAYE taxpayers to file their tax returns, on its e-Tax platform, without having to register with ttconnect. Read More

ANR Robinson International Airport Expansion Project Contract Signing Ceremony
The Ministry of Finance collaborated with the National Infrastructure Development Company Limited (NIDCO) to host a signing ceremony for the ANR Robinson International Airport Expansion Project on 28th January, 2020.
Feature Address: ANR Robinson International Airport Expansion Project Contract Signing Ceremony
The Honourable Colm Imbert, Minister of Finance delivered the feature address at the ANR Robinson International Airport Expansion Project Contract Signing Ceremony on Tuesday, 28th January 2020.
Consultants Appointed for the month of December 2019
Consultants Appointed for the month of December 2019
Contracts Awarded for the month of December 2019
Contracts Awarded by the Central Tenders Board for the month of December 2019
NOTICE: Payment of Government Salaries and Pensions – January 2020
PUBLIC NOTICE: Payment of Government Salaries and Pensions for January 2020