Media Release: Ministry of Finance Achieves a Very Successful International USD Bond Issue
The Minister of Finance, the Honourable Colm Imbert M.P., wishes to advise that the Ministry of Finance today achieved a very successful US$500 million Republic of Trinidad and Tobago International Bond Issue.

Supplementary Appropriation and Budget Mid-Year Review Statement 2020
Supplementary Appropriation and Budget Mid-Year Review Statement 2020 – STATEMENT BY THE MINISTER OF FINANCE
JUNE 12, 2020.

Inland Revenue Division (IRD) COVID 19 Measures
To fulfill provisions of the Public Health Regulations and to mitigate the risks associated with the Global COVID 19 Pandemic, the Board of Inland Revenue (BIR) wishes to advise and encourage the public to take advantage of the following key services being offered electronically by the Inland Revenue Division (IRD).
Media Release: Moody’s confirms Trinidad and Tobago’s credit rating in the midst of the Covid crisis
Today, May 22nd 2020, Moody’s has confirmed Trinidad and Tobago’s rating at Ba1, one of the highest in the Caribbean region. In a series of rating decisions that have seen a number of oil and gas exporting countries downgraded all over the world, Moody’s has simply changed the outlook to negative.