Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago

Category: News

Media Release: Final Extension of the Tax Amnesty to October 15th, 2021

The Minister of Finance, Honourable Colm Imbert, MP, wishes to advise that to give taxpayers a final opportunity to get their financial records in order and to file their tax returns, the 2021 Tax Amnesty has been extended to Friday, October 15th, 2021. It should be noted that there will be no further extension of…

Financial Intelligence Unit of Trinidad and Tobago (FIUTT) Advisory on Overpayment Scam/Fraud Alert

The FIUTT has noticed cases whereby a fraudulent cheque, in particular a mailed-in cashier’s cheque, is credited to ahotel’s bank account for alleged bookings and subsequently the “issuer” of the cheque would contact the payee/hotelrequesting a partial or full refund of the cheque amount. The request for a partial or full refund is usually made…

Tender Notice – Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of One (1) Standby Generator inclusive of Electrical Works for the Penal/Debe Regional Corporation, Ministry of Rural Development and Local Government

Tenders are invited for the Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of One (1) Standby Generator inclusive of Electrical Works for the Penal/Debe Regional Corporation, Ministry of Rural Development and Local Government. Tender documents can be collected during normal working hours at the Central Tenders Board’s Office, 116 Frederick Street, Port of Spain, at telephone…