Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago

Category: News

Budget Statement 2023 – Tenacity and Stability in the Face of Global Challenges

National Budget Statement 2023 presented by the Honourable Colm Imbert, MP, Minister of Finance in the House of Representatives on Monday 26th September, 2022. Madam Speaker, it is a privilege for me to present to this Honourable House and to the citizens of our country the National Budget for Fiscal 2023, the eighth (8th) budget…

Three-Year Public Sector Investment Programme 2023 – 2025

The formulation of the PSIP 2023-2025 was based on an evaluation and prioritisation of projects against key policy measures and strategies as outlined in Vision 2030. The second planning horizon 2021-2025 was also informed by the Roadmap for Recovery Report (RRR) and Community Recovery Report CRR). Accordingly, the three-year PSIP 2023-2025 focuses on nine (9)…

Social Sector Investment Programme 2023

The Social Sector Investment Programme (SSIP) 2023 examines the socio-economic environment of Trinidad and Tobago, and the strategic developments made toward attaining social transformation. It also provides an overview of the national social context by scrutinizing existing and new social sector initiatives, as well as investments made by the key social sector Ministries, and the Tobago…

Public Sector Investment Programme Tobago 2023

The Public Sector Investment Programme (PSIP) is the investment plan utilised by the Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago (GORTT) for the achievement of the national development objectives. The PSIP is funded by the Central Government through the Consolidated Fund and the Infrastructure Development Fund. Tobago’s PSIP consists of all the programmes and…

State Enterprises Investment Programme 2023

The State Enterprises Sector comprises 55 companies of which 43 are wholly owned, eight are majority owned and four in which GORTT has a minority shareholding. A complete list of the State Enterprises is detailed in Appendix I. These entities operate in the gas and oil industry, banking and financial services, manufacturing, transport and communication,…

Public Sector Investment Programme 2023

The 2023 PSIP will fund medium-term developmental priorities, seek to create the environment that will enable diversification of the economy, improve social conditions with a focus on youth development at all levels and improve the quality of life of citizens from birth to adulthood. These investments also include initiatives that support rebuilding of the economy,…

Public Notice – The Customs and Excise Division Voluntary Compliance Programme (VCP)

In an effort to to maximize resources and achieve higher efficiency, the Comptroller of Customs and Excise has revised the Voluntary Compliance Programme to encourage voluntary compliance among our traders. Based on the present capacity of the Division, the initial criteria for participation in the VCP shall facilitate the proper management of the programme.