The e-Way of Business Procurement
The e-Auction System is the eWay for contract bidding Documents The e-Way of Business Procurement (PDF)
The e-Auction System is the eWay for contract bidding Documents The e-Way of Business Procurement (PDF)
Documents First Ever e-Auction Event (PDF)
Documents Trinidad and Tobago Financial Centre Update (PDF)
Trinidad and Tobago Minister of Finance Karen Nunez-Tesheira briefed business leaders today at the Hyatt Regency Trinidad on the status of the Trinidad and Tobago International Financial Center (TTIFC) Documents Minister of Finance Karen Nunez-Tesheira Sets Timetable for Trinidad and Tobago International Financial Center (TTIFC) (PDF)
A high-level delegation from the Government of Trinidad and Tobago received commitments from banking and finance officials here to work closely on the upcoming launch of the Trinidad and Tobago International Financial Center (TTIFC). Documents Finance Minister Scores Agreements for International Financial Center (PDF)
Trinidad and Tobago by September plan to open an international financial center to compete with Miami and Panama which could include a commodities exchange, the Minister of Finance said Documents Trinidad and Tobago Mulls Launching Commodities-Financial Hub (PDF)
A high-level delegation from the government of Trinidad and Tobago completed a trip to the Middle East this week, securing approval from financial leaders here to work closely on the upcoming opening of the Caribbean nation’s International Financial Center (TTIFC) Documents Finance Minister Visits UAE to Promote IFC (PDF)
Documents Fourth Annual Meeting LAC Debt Group (PDF)
Documents Freedom of Information Act 1999 (PDF)