Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago

Category: Media Release

Government Inter Ministerial Committee meets Cane Farmers Association on EU Grant

A five member Government Inter Ministerial Committee comprising of Finance Minister Winston Dookeran, Minister Food Production, Land and Marine Affairs, Vasant Bharath, Minister of Legal Affairs, Prakash Ramadhar, Minister of Science, Tertiary and Technology, Fazal Karim, and Minster of Tobago Development , Vernella Toppin met with members of the Sugar Cane Farmers Association of Trinidad…

Steel Workers Union and ARCELOR Mittal reach agreement on ESOP after 18 years

Arcelor Mittal and the Steel Workers Union reached agreement on issues relating to the Employee share Ownership Plan (ESOP). Minister Dookeran commented that this historical milestone was reached through conversation, negotiation and good faith. The agreement allows permanent employees of Arcelor Mittal to obtain a settlement amount of USD$11.8 million in cash for the period…

JCC and Ministry of Finance Meet

The Minister of Finance Winston Dookeran today met with members of the Joint Consultative Committee on the Construction Industry (JCC) led by Mr. Winston Riley President. The meeting sort to provide a way forward to deal with issues concerning late payment to contractors for works completed on government facilities. Documents JCC and Ministry of Finance…

Finance Minister to attend annual Spring Meetings of the G]24, International Monetary Fund (I.M.F) and World Bank Group in the USA

Finance Minister the Honourable Winston Dookeran will be attending the annual Spring Meetings of the G-24, International Monetary Fund (I.M.F) and World Bank Group which takes place in Washington, D.C., USA from October 3rd – 10th 2010. Documents Finance Minister to attend annual Spring Meetings of the G]24, International Monetary Fund (I.M.F) and World Bank…