Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago

Category: Media Release

Dookeran Calls for new Diplomacy in Multilateral Development Cooperation at the North- South Institute Forum

At the recently held North-South Institute (NSI) Forum in Ottawa, Canada, Finance Minister Winston Dookeran called for specific measures to level the playing field between small and large states, citing the impact of the recent global economic and financial crisis on the Caribbean and other small economies. Documents Dookeran Calls for new Diplomacy in Multilateral…

Finance Minister Winston Dookeran to deliver keynote address at the North-South Institute International Forum in Canada

Port of Spain: Winston Dookeran, Finance Minister, will deliver the key note address at the North South Institute (NSI), International Forum entitled “The Future of Multilateral Development Cooperation in a Changing Global Order.” This forum takes place on June 20th and 21, 2011 in Ottawa, Canada. Documents Finance Minister Winston Dookeran to deliver keynote address…

Advisory on the Offer of Relief to Depositors and Shareholders of the Hindu Credit Union Cooperative Society Limited (HCU) in Liquidation

The Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago (GoRTT) wishes to advise eligible Depositors / Shareholders of the HCU in Liquidation of its oer of a relief payment. The proposed relief will be divided into two Phases. In Phase One (1) relief will be granted to qualied depositors/shareholders up to a maximum of TT$75,000.…