Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago

Category: Media Release

Trinidad and Tobago Economy Stable says Finance Minister

Finance Minister Winston Dookeran maintains that Trinidad and Tobago Economy remains Stable even though Standard & Poor’s Rating Agency having lowered this country’s long-term local-currency sovereign credit rating to ‘A/A-1’ from ‘A+/A-1’; and the same time affirmed the country with an ‘A/A-1’ foreign-currency ratings. Documents Trinidad and Tobago Economy Stable says Finance Minister (PDF)

Drilling Down For Development- An Interview with the Honourable Winston Dookeran, Minister of Finance

Expansion of Pt Lisas Model and Stock Market. This interview on the 17th July, 2011 in the Sunday Guardian by op-ed columnist Ira Mathur presents “Drilling Down for Development” as a new framework for endogenous growth underlying the 2011-2012 Budget for Trinidad and Tobago. Proposed by Winston Dookeran, Finance Minister of Trinidad and Tobago. Documents…