Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago

Category: Media Release

Media Release: Final Extension of the Tax Amnesty to October 15th, 2021

The Minister of Finance, Honourable Colm Imbert, MP, wishes to advise that to give taxpayers a final opportunity to get their financial records in order and to file their tax returns, the 2021 Tax Amnesty has been extended to Friday, October 15th, 2021. It should be noted that there will be no further extension of…

Media Release: Trinidad and Tobago Continues to Top CARICRIS Sovereign Ratings

The Caribbean credit rating agency CariCRIS has announced its 2021 rating of Trinidad and Tobago at CariAA, the second highest rating on its scale. At CariAA, Trinidad and Tobago remains at the top of CariCRIS’ published sovereign ratings in the Region. In fact, CariCRIS agrees that the ‘level of creditworthiness of the GORTT, adjudged in…

Media Release: Misleading Guardian Article on Trinidad and Tobago’s Credit Rating – Trinidad and Tobago’s Credit Rating has NOT been Downgraded

The Minister of Finance, Hon. Colm Imbert, MP, has taken note of an extremely inaccurate and misleading article in today’s (July 28, 2021) edition of Trinidad and Tobago Guardian entitled “S&P Market Intelligence Downgrades T&T”. Apart from the misleading headline, the article in the body of its text falsely claimed that Trinidad and Tobago is…


The Minister of Finance, the Honourable Colm Imbert, M.P., in conjunction with the Chief Secretary of the Tobago House of Assembly, the Honourable Ancil Dennis, wishes to advise that approval has been granted for the payment of compensation to an additional twelve (12) property owners in Tobago, whose properties are being acquired for the construction…

Statement made by the Honourable Colm Imbert, Minister of Finance on the Finance Bill 2021 in the Senate on July 6th,2021

Madam President, before you is the Finance Bill, 2021 aimed at putting in place the remainder of the fiscal measures that were announced in this Honourable House on October 05, 2020. Madam President, I will also put before you certain other matters at least one of which I had signalled in the Budget Statement, 2021…

Media Release: Misleading and Inaccurate Editorial on the National Insurance System

In that Editorial the Express falsely claimed that the Minister of Finance was only making “darting references and piecemeal approaches” to address the “stark” problem of the shortfall between contributions and benefits in the National Insurance System (NIS) and went on to declare that rather than these “piecemeal” approaches, what was required was a comprehensive…