Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago

Category: Customs & Excise Division

Feature Address by the Honourable Colm Imbert, MP, Minister of Finance on the Commissioning of Non-Intrusive Inspection (NII) Mobile Scanners at the Port of Port of Spain, Trinidad

It is my distinct honour to stand before you today at this landmark event—the commissioning of state-of-the-art Non-Intrusive Inspection (NII) scanners at the Port of Port of Spain. This event confirms the Government’s commitment to strengthening national security, enhancing trade facilitation, and ensuring efficiency in our port operations.With more than 300,000 containers passing through the…

Media Release – Exemption of Customs Duty, VAT, and Online Purchase Tax on Sporting Equipment, Electric Vehicle Chargers and Parts

The Minister of Finance, Honourable Colm Imbert, MP, wishes to advise that in keeping with the Budget Statement for the Financial Year 2025, there is a waiver of all Customs Duty, Valued Added Tax, and Online Purchase Tax on the following, effective January 1, 2025 (see Legal Notice Nos. 249, 250 and 251 of 2024…

Media Release: Modern Mobile Scanners Arrive in Trinidad to be Deployed in Border Security Efforts of the Customs and Excise Division

The Minister of Finance is pleased to announce the arrival of the first two (2) high/medium energy mobile X-ray scanners in Trinidad on Sunday November 3rd 2024. In January 2024, the Ministry of Finance signed a contract with Canadian-based Sectus Technologies for the purchase of four (4) high/medium mobile X-ray scanners to be used for…

Public Notice – The Customs and Excise Division Voluntary Compliance Programme (VCP)

In an effort to to maximize resources and achieve higher efficiency, the Comptroller of Customs and Excise has revised the Voluntary Compliance Programme to encourage voluntary compliance among our traders. Based on the present capacity of the Division, the initial criteria for participation in the VCP shall facilitate the proper management of the programme.