- The challenges of implementing Procurement Reforms by Caroline Nicholas and Christopher Yukins
- The Government of Canada Acquisitions System by Ms. Vicki Ghadban
- Effective Oversight of Procument by Mr. John Mc Kendrick
- Government of Canada Acquisitions Program Procurement Conference – V Ghadban
- Use of Country Systems by the IDB – Mrs. Shirley Gayle Sinclair
- E-GP and Regional Integration by Mr. David McDermontUse of Framework Agreements by Mrs. Sabine Engelhard
- Use of E-Tendering and E-Auction System by The Water and Sewerage Authority (WASA)
- Capacity Building: How to put in place? By Dr. Clifford McCueCertification….Who needs it? By Mr. Marco Sosted
- The importance of Contract Management by Mrs. Sabine Englehard