Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago

Media Release: The Leader of the Opposition is Clutching at Straws and Making Up Stories About “Missing Money”

The Minister of Finance, Hon. Colm Imbert, MP, has taken note of the latest diatribe from the Leader of the Opposition regarding the impasse which occurred in 2024 between public officers at the Ministry of Finance and the Auditor General over the 2023 public accounts.

The Leader of the Opposition, Hon Kamla Persad-Bissessar, S.C. MP, has been a person in public life for almost 30 years now and has held the highest ministerial position in the country, as Prime Minister, from 2010 to 2015. She must therefore have a proper understanding of the process that leads to the submission by the public servants in the Treasury of the annual public accounts to the Auditor General, and she therefore knows better than to spread malicious gossip about this process.