Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago

Feature Address by the Honourable Colm Imbert, Minister of Finance at the Official Launch of the National Financial Inclusion Survey Report (2023) at One FinTech Avenue on Tuesday 20th August 2024

It’s my pleasure to further the cause of making financial inclusion a national priority.

Over the last few years, through in-depth surveys, we have been able to gather significant information on the state of financial inclusion in Trinidad and Tobago.
Financial inclusion means that individuals and businesses have easy access to affordable and useful financial products and services that meet their needs for transactions, banking, payments, savings, credit and insurance.

The research tells us that 75 % of our population save to some extent, which means that in the world context, Trinidad and Tobago is a high savings economy. However, an astonishing 82% of this group choose to save their money at home, which is neither safe nor productive.

We aim to engage with this group and encourage them to utilise financial products and services that offer better value, income generation and security for their savings.