Submissions of applications for the May/June 2021 Salary Relief Grant (SRG) ended as of midnight July 9th, 2021.
The following COVID-19 Relief measure is being implemented by the Ministry of Finance to assist persons whose employment or income was suspended or terminated as a result of the public health restrictions implemented in May 2021. The Salary Relief Grant (for persons in the formal/NIS system) will be administered by the National Insurance Board of Trinidad and Tobago (NIBTT) on behalf of the Ministry of Finance. Once eligible, persons whose income was suspended/terminated at the beginning of May 2021, will receive $1,500 for the month of May and $1,500 for the month of June. Persons whose income was suspended/terminated from May 8th, 2021 will receive $1,000 for the month of May and $1,500 for the month of June.
Applicants are advised that the Salary Relief Grant being issued by the Ministry of Finance is different from the Income Support Grant that is being issued by the Ministry of Social Development and Family Services. Applicants MUST NOT apply for BOTH the Salary Relief Grant and the Income Support Grant. We encourage you to refer to the FAQs , for a list of the basic criteria to access either of the two (2) grants.